The Love of Your Heart
Easy Esselstyn Diet Recipes with Pictures: Private Ad Hoc Dinner
Survival |
Private Ad Hoc Dinner Invitation Social Survival Guide |
Posted by: Klaus Community Supported Agriculture |
Private Ad Hoc Invitation What to do if an unexpected dinner invitation arrives
with no indications that my special meal needs could be accommodated? |
Prepared in Minutes I just grabbed whatever was available at home: A box
of spinach and a carton of mushrooms that I am using for my daily salad as
well as a box of “chicken cutlets” I am having always in the freezer.
Thinking of Stewed Mixed Greens on Soba noodles (written up as 098) I
collected the remaining increments (onion and red onion, garlic, Soba noodles
and my jar of essential low-salt vegetable broth). While the host’s ham was roasting in the oven, I had the top of the stove for myself and could boil the noodles, braise the onions and garlic and deglaze the pan with ˝ cup of broth. |
Prepared in Minutes Before the ham was done I also washed and cut the spinach and mushrooms and fried my “chicken breast” to a nice dark golden color that rivaled that of the finally finished ham. |
Finishing while the Roasted Ham was cut Then just before dinner time when the ham was cut, I reheated my stock in a deep pan, added the washed and cut spinach and mushrooms and quickly folded all under the broth just warming the spinach slightly so that it did not wilted or collapsed. Finally, I quickly filled my plate and was done. |
Dinner Round Although the kitchen was narrow and small we could manage everything well and afterwards could enjoy the company of the party around the dinner table. |
Dinner Served The ad hoc dinner fully lived up to expectation: the
Soba noodles provided a good base for the broth and the onions and mushrooms
added substance to the barely blanched spinach supplemented by the “chicken”.
With little planning this light dinner was a success. |
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