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Easy Mediterranean Olive Oil Diet Recipes with Pictures: Baked Bluefish Fillet



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Baked Bluefish Fillet



Bluefish is a big fish of 1.5 to 2 pounds and should be as fresh as possible. Deboned it affords two large thick fillets that are very satisfying. This fish is easy to prepare and to eat. It’s high in monounsaturated lipids but has only ¼ of that of mackerels.


Bluefish has a mild fresh flavor and provides plenty of soft flaky meat. Baked in whine with lemon and fresh herbs it provides a satisfying meal even for those who are not enthusiastic about fish.


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Attention: Bluefish is highly perishable and needs to be cleaned quickly and iced. Bluefish has a short shelf life and doesn’t hold up well to freezing so it is recommend to cook only very fresh fish right away.


1 whole fresh bluefish, deboned

or bluefish fillets

1 Lemmon, sliced very thinly

Fresh herbs like thyme and tarragon

Black pepper

Dried herbs de Provence

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

2 tablespoons of dry white wine

Olive oil



(modified from Simply Recipes):


For 2 Portions. Prep time: 40 min.


Preheat oven to 350° F


Fillet the fish if not already done

Oil a baking dish with olive oil

Place fillet into dish

Paste the fish with olive oil

Sprinkle with dry herb mixture and black pepper

Cover with lemon slices and herbs

Sprinkle with lemon juice and wine

Cover baking dish with Al foil

Bake in preheated oven for 25 min




Deboned and separated fillets


Bake in oven covered on middle rack


25 min 350° F


Assembled Ingrediences

Ready for the oven


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